It’s officially Fall! And it won’t be long before the temperature becomes a lot cooler and the days shorter. The morning air will start to feel brisk, and before you know it, it’ll be time to start thinking about winter coats and hats – which is why the sudden transition from summer to cooler months can feel like a challenge. And with that also comes the time for the annual onslaught of feeling under the weather as our bodies adapt. But it doesn’t have to be that way – well, not entirely at least. While you can’t completely avoid catching bugs and colds, you can give yourself and your immune system a helping hand to make sure you feel healthy, and great, this season. And no, that doesn’t mean drinking all of those ‘vitamin-boost’ drinks, and fizzy tablets to make sure you’re set-up… With that said, here’s 5 tips to help you keep healthy during fall and feeling well: 1) Boost Your Immune System This one can tie in with both fall and winter, but that’s because it’s an important one. You need to boost your immune system to help prevent those annoying colds and sniffles that always happen as the weather changes. Drink plenty of water, wash your hands often to prevent sickness and eat nutritious foods that are proven to help your immune system such as; broccoli, garlic, almonds, and poultry. You can also drink green tea as a way to warm up on those bitter mornings and fill your shopping cart with in season fruits and vegetables. 2) Get Yourself Ready For The Clocks Going Back This is the one that always trips people up! Switching from light mornings where the sun naturally wakes you, to darker mornings that still feel like night, can be a big struggle. But by going to bed earlier, especially the week before the clocks change, can have a massive impact on how you deal with the clocks changing. Longer periods of darkness = longer periods of sleep! And you’ll find it easier to throw that blanket off in the morning. 3) Buy In-Season Foods There’s so many great choices, but here’s just a few; apples, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, onion, parsnips, pumpkin… I could go on but these are just some of the choices you have for in-season foods. Think delicious slow-cooked dinners, hearty soups and roasted vegetables. Probably one of my favorite times of year when it comes to food. 4) Stay Active! This is my favorite one. It can be really easy to sit around during the day when it starts to get colder, but it’s important to get in some daily movement. Getting outside and going for a walk is a great one – it can help get rid of your stress, lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s, tones you up, keeps you moving no matter what your age and burns calories! What’s not to love about going walking during the fall months with all of the scenery we have at our doorstep? And with a hot coffee in hand – it’s perfect. 5) Make Plans For The Cold Months A lot of us will just ‘hibernate’ if we don’t have things to do during the day as it starts to get colder… The best way to help with this is to make plans. It’s so simple! You can even use the time to kill two birds with one stone and make plans to go for a walk with friends – that way you’re keeping active and you’ve made sure that you don’t spend the day hibernating on the sofa. Don’t get me wrong, it can be good to do occasionally when you need to relax – but it’s important to make sure you do things so all of those good habits you created during the warmer months don’t get left behind. How will you be keeping active, healthy and feeling fit this fall? P.S. I know it’s easy to say to “go for a walk to keep active when the seasons change”, but what if you’ve got knee pain that feels worse when it gets cold, making you worried to walk and keep active in case it gets worse? If that sounds like you, here’s a free guide you can download that gives you easy tips you can do to help ease knee pain.
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AuthorDr. Tony Tanzi: Physical Therapist, Triathlete, Runner, Performance Coach Archives
October 2022
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